Meshach Arun

Grew up in a small town in Munnar, Kerala, he experienced many ups and downs before encountering Jesus during his college years, which led to a transformative journey of faith. After completing his Masters, he felt a strong calling from the Lord to serve Him, leading him to forgo promising job offers and dedicate his life to ministry. He married a woman equally dedicated to serving God, and together they have an older son and a daughter. Their son is pursuing a Masters in Data Science at Duke University, Durham, and in 2023, their daughter married a man who also serves God.

Over the past 30 years in ministry, a significant turning point came after 22 years when he spent a five-year sabbatical seeking God’s guidance. This period led to a renewed vision focusing on making disciples and planting churches. This clarity inspired the founding of the Church Multiplication Initiative (CMI) in 2020, with a mission to make multiplying disciples, churches, leaders, and movements through effective evangelism and discipleship.

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Empowered by faith, united in mission, transforming lives together.


Milestones and Ministry Growth

CMI's ministry journey is marked by significant milestones, including the establishment of a robust network of approximately 12,000 churches and close collaboration with 200 multipliers from 200 cities across India. The growth of CMI has led to the creation of four branches, each targeting a specific group within the church community: ELECT (Pastors), D-CODE (Youth), First Witness (Women), and CONNECT (Children).


Reached cities across India

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+91 7411073728